Jack White's New Album Out TODAY! Listen 2 the Funkular "Ice Station Zebra"

Here we go Jack White's NEW Album out there for the World to consume, and we've already received a healthy dose of Boarding House Reach. It feels different, and very NOW, maybe even futuristic to me. It's so much more than what we'd get on a White Stripes album, but still capturing that vintage White guitar sound. Can't wait to dive in to Jack's 3rd solo album, and hear and see them LIVE! These new songs will be by far the hardest songs for Jack to bring life on stage due to their complexities, and sampling, but it's Jack! He'll get the job done, and it'll sound, and feel genuine! Check out Rolling Stone's Review of Boarding House Reach HERE

See Jack White III @ the Baxter Arena Monday, April 23rd! Get yer tickets here! AND with the purchase of your ticket(s) you get a CD copy of Boarding House Reach! Bon Jovi did the same thing with his latest release, and moved a lot of disc, so many, it landed him the #1 album in the country. SOO come on Jack, let's knock off whatever crap is on top! 

Listen to FIVE Boarding House Reach songs below, including his latest, the FUNKULAR -- "Ice Station Zebra" and his new video for Over and Over and just released today ..... 

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