Finally got to see Metallica last Thursday, and I'm finally getting around to writing about it. (It was a long weekend, okay!) Going in I knew Metallica was bringing some crazy stage production, and they'd be fresh. Lincoln only being the third stop on the second leg of the tour. So I was ready, Lincoln was ready, and most important frickin' Metallica was ready! Listen, I love Jim Breuer, but after him coming out about 5 different times to remind us Metallica is backstage, and ready to play. It was just redundant. So after almost an hour, Metallica hits the stage!
Let me say that bands of this magnitude performing on a stage in the center of the Arena is PERFECT! It makes an arena venue more intimate, and there's just this bad ass, no BS, we came to kick your ass vibe. James is one of the best frontmen I've ever seen. Professional ass kickin' rhythm guitarist with a voice that makes you listen, and the audio was crystal clear. Up there with any concert I've been too.
Their setlists have had subtle changes every concert, and thankfully Kirk and Robert didn't give us a half ass cover like they did in the previous shows. They rocked an instrumental "I Disappear" jam after "Fade To Black." The momentum was high throughout, and gave us exactly what we wanted with some killer pyro, and hundreds of screens moving around make for some bad ass visuals as they shredded hit after hit. I remember just standing there thinking, THIS. IS. INCREDIBLE. This is something every Rock fan should experience. AND get as close as possible!
The only negatives...Lars isn't the best hype man. (things got a little awkward) Watching all four of them beat on drums at the same time was kinda boring. Also, I just saw that the concert after us in South Dakota, they played "Battery," woulda been a whole lot cooler if they rocked that one for us too. BUT they did play "Unforgiven III" for the time in almost 8 years, so that counts for something. It was really just a solid, professional night of Rock and Roll with one of the best in the business. I give the concert a 9 out 10. Best concert
Check out the full setlist and some videos I took below. Thanks for readin'! Let us know what you thought of the show on facebook.
Metallica WorldWired Tour - Lincoln, NE - Pinnacle Bank Arena - September 6th, 2018
1.) Hardwired
2.) Atlas, Rise!
3.) Seek And Destroy
4.) Memory Remains
5.) The Unforgiven III (First time played since November 2010)
6.) Now That We're Dead
7.) Creeping Death
8.) For Whom The Bell Tolls
9.) Fade To Black
10.) Hit The Lights
11.) Fuel
12.) Moth Into Flame
13.) Sad But True
14.) One
15.) Master Of Puppets
16.) Spit Out The Bone
17.) Nothing Else Matters
18.) Enter Sandman