Construction in and around Omaha

As of February 12, 2025

480 will be CLOSED in both directions this weekend (2/14-17) from 9PM Friday until Monday at 6AM from the Dodge/Harney exit to Dodge (use 28th to Dodge to get back on 480 EB) To access 480 SB out of Downtown, you will still be able to use Farnam to 29th

Harney St 29th St to 28th St is closed for bridge reconstruction  (12/5)

Various lane and ramp closures overnight (9PM-6AM) on 680 both north and southbound and various shoulder closures in the daytime. This will be from HWY 75/48th St on the north side of Omaha to L St (just past the 80/680 split)

Southbound Ft Crook Road is closed at Capehart due to bridge work until further notice

The intersection of 192nd both under Dodge and on the Expressway; lane restrictions and overnight ramp closures (6/6)

11th and H St southbound lane restrictions (2/18)

12th St Izard to Nicholas is closed (3/27)

Florence BLVD Read to Sharon is closed (7/8)

(Residential) Ruggles St is closed 60th to 61st (2/13)

(Residential) 28th St is closed Charles to Seward (7/8)

(Residential) 40th Pinkney to Pratt St is closed (2/26)

(Residential) lane restriction on Pratt St from 40th St to 40th Ave (2/26)

(Residential) Pinkney lane restrictions 75th to 76th St (2/13)

Sorenson PKWY lane restrictions westbound 72nd to 73rd (2/12)

Military Ave Patrick to Parker (just east of NW Radial about 44th) lane restrictions (2/12)

Northbound 30th St Spencer to Bedford (just north of Maple) righ tlane closed (3/17)

72nd St between Bedford Ave and Maple lane restrictions both directions (North of Maple) (2/19)

Northbound 120th lane restrictions at Fort (2/12)

Northbound 24th approaching Hamilton; lane restrictions (2/19)

Southbound 24th and Blondo lane restrictions for a water main break (2/19)

Hamilton 25th to 26th lane restrictions from a water main break (2/18)

10th St Douglas to Capital lane restrictions (2/15)

16th St Farnam to Douglas lane restrictions (4/11)

Harney lane restrictions at 20th (2/24)

Douglas AND Farnam lane restriction 14th to 15th (2026)

14th is closed Douglas to Farnam (2026)

15th lane restrictions Douglas to Farnam (2026)

Douglas 28th to 20th lane restrictions (2/24)

Harney lane restrictions 37th St to 38th Ave (2/11)

Harney at 26th AND at 28th lane restrictions (2/18)

33rd and Harney road work in the intersection (2/17)

Farnam; lane restrictions at Park Ave (2/20)

Park Ave is closed Harney to Farnam (2/20)

Farnam 33rd to Turner Blvd (aprox 30th St) lane restrictions (5/3)

Farnam 44th to Saddle Creek westbound lane restrictions (7/21)

Farnam 25th St to 28th lane restrictions (2/13)

37th St is closed Farnam to Harney (2/28)

38th St is closed Farnam to Harney (2/16)

19th Leavenworth to Jackson lane restrictions (2/14)

16th Jones to Jackson lane restrictions (2/24)

17th is closed south of Jackson (9/2026)

Abbott from Carter Blvd to Pratt Ct various lane restrictions (3/3)

Poppleton 22nd to 24th lane restrictions (2/17)

23rd St is closed G St to H St (2/12)

23rd St lane restrictions G St to F St (2/12)

Southbound 13th William to Pine lane restrictions (3/31)

Saddle Creek lane restrictions at Farnam (TFN)

144th Northbound lane restrictions Dayton St (Just south of  F St/entrance to Acura/Superior Honda) to William Cir (5 blocks south of Pacific)(2/13)

Southbound 120th just south of Pacific from Poppleton to Pierce (Bronco's to Jiffy Lube) lane restrictions (2/20)

(Residential) 84th and Arbor closed due to road repair (2/21)

72nd and Center various lane restrictions (2/13)

71st and Mercy lane restrictions (8/4)

Eastbound Dodge 48th to the Saddle Creek exit right lane closed (8/1)

48th is closed Dodge to Douglas (7/1)

Westbound Cass 77th to 78th lane restrictions (2/14)

Q St 122nd to 123rd lane restrictions in both directions (5/30)

72nd is CLOSED BOTH DIRECTIONS F St to I-80 (F St IS OPEN 72nd to 84th) (You CAN access I-80 both east and westbound from SOUTHBOUND 72nd) (7/14)

(This is still showing as active on construction map 2/12/2025)

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