So, I had a few moments yesterday to read this interview Rolling Stone had with the Almighty Dave Grohl, and it was a damn good read! Every time I read about Dave and his albums, his adventures, I walk away saying, "this is the coolest fucking dude on the planet." Well, I had another one of those moments yesterday.
Dave filled us in on the wild ride he had during the making of the Foo Fighter's ninth studio album "Concrete and Gold," out September 15th. He hit on everything from writing the album alone in Ojai, California drunk on wine to the crazy collabs on the new record. He also shared some kind words about his late friend, Chris Cornell. AND I loved the part about Dave at the record store, oh yeah, and his BAD ASS Tesla.
Here's the two tracks the Foo have released from their new album "Concrete and Gold" out September 15th......